I was stuck in a rut, feeling depressed and not really getting much joy out of my life, ​​something REALLY needed to change. My marriage was struggling, I was treading water in my business and generally going through the motions day-to-day and as a consequence. Working with Steven through his coaching and breathwork program I now have a far clearer understanding of what makes me tick and what’s important to me. I’m exercising everyday, I have structured my life to ensure that I’m getting plenty of “me time” on a weekly basis and I am reconnecting regularly with old friends. My marriage is now back on track too. Listen to Steven, he’ll help you help yourself.

Dan J

(Digital marketing business owner)

I was feeling a great deal of uncertainty, needing to tend to some important relationships specifically with family members, work colleagues and a romantic relationship. I was leaving me feeling scattered, anxious and unsettled. Working with Steven gave me a great deal of focus and provided a framework that I could identify with and grow within. I was able to deeply connect with myself in a time of great turmoil which allowed me to understand myself deeper and to hold true to my core values and beliefs. This has resulted in significant changes to the important relationships with people close to me. I am now more confident and grounded in myself which has enabled me to grow closer, stronger and more meaningful bonds with people I love. Steven directs the coaching expertly. He has integrity, knowledge and compassion to really support transformational change.

Tim R

(GP Doctor)

I spent a big part of my life acting immature and wanting to hide from life. That left left me feeling shameful and frustrated. Working with Steven week after week I connected with the man that lives inside of me and stepped into my potential that I have as a man. Now I know how I want to live my life, I am now connected to myself and I have a clear vision for the future.

Matthijs M

(Addiction councillor)

I was disconnected from myself, I felt lost and had no idea who I was. This had led me to become a people pleaser. By doing the coaching programme I became aware of what I want, I cut out specific behaviours that weren’t productive for me such as pleasing others, my reliance on alcohol in social situations and trying to fit in. I am now clear on who I am. I am much more connected to myself and I have the confidence to truly be myself.

Rob O


As a 38 year old man I looked successful, I was self employed and achieving goals, but inside I was battling the same issues my whole adult life. Steven held me accountable to dig deep and discover my values & let go of old habits. This also allowed me to let go of anger I have been carrying my whole life. I have found a new sense of calmness for my life and a love for myself I didn't know existed.

George M

(Automotive workshop owner)

I can wholeheartedly say that by working with Steven I gained such a wealth of knowledge about myself. It was incredibly beneficial to me in learning how to move forward out of the hard time I was having. He was there when I needed him, offering wise insight and powerful transformational tools. He holds a completely non judgemental coaching container. If you have considered working with him definitely go all in. 100% Backed!!

Ollie N

(Tattoo artist)

Before I met Steven I was feeling lost and disconnected. In the coaching programme he bought me back to my values and helped me overcome some of my biggest fears which helped me to believe in my ability to succeed. The work we did together has positively changed my perspective on myself as a man and a father.

Mark M

(Airplane Pilot)

When I reached out to Steven I was a very disconnected, I was still hanging on to my old identity. He asked me a lot of questions that no one had ever asked of me before, it really helped me understand myself. He challenged me out of my comfort zone which lead to deep growth. I also benefited from the breathwork and the energy release it gave me. Working with Steven really helped me step into man I want to be in this life.

Nick K


I was dealing with a lot of confrontation and anger, my reactions to people were an issue. Through the coaching programme I learned how to communicate in a conscious and compassionate way. I realised what my strengths & weaknesses are and improved on them. Breathwork truly helped me feel positive and willing to move forward. Now I get increased benefit out of my relationships.

Jason K

(Electricial company owner)

I was lacking structure and routine and I had some fears that were dominating my life. This left me feeling out of control. Steven’s coaching insights, the breathwork sessions and the different exercises I completed helped me make the deep change I was longing for. I let go of old fears and shame, I live my life with more structure and routine, I use my power to take daily action steps towards my goals. I’m proud of who I am.

Ludo B

(Permaculture company owner)

I was struggling with not feeling good enough and I was feeling a lot of discontent. Through the coaching, breathwork and accountability with Steven I learnt to step back and see my true reality, that in fact I am more than good enough. This has led me to a deeper, more fulfilling life, I am no longer holding myself back and I am sharing my gifts and generosity with the world.

Dave C

(Drainage company owner)

Before working with Steven I had anxiety and a lot of negative mind chatter.This left me feeling weak, debilitated, ashamed and burnt out. I started with making small changes in my daily routine (highlighted by Steven) which rippled out across all aspects of my life and I was then able to set a new strong foundation for myself. I have now managed to overcome my anxiety and this has made a hugely positive impact on every aspect of my life.

Luke F

(Senior Youth Officer)

I had problems establishing boundaries with people, this constantly left me feeling frustrated and walked over. Doing Steven’s coaching programme I was able to look deep inside myself to where I had forgotten my power and my self worth and regained them both. Now I have full confidence to speak my truth and establish boundaries. I feel clear headed and ready to deal with life as a confident man.

William H
