The Reset Professional Code of Conduct & Ethics.
I always conduct my professional services with the highest standard and highest competency and always ensure that I am fit and well enough to practice
I will be transparent about pricing, any contract signed and all processes that I offer to clients
I not infringe the codes of conduct of my profession and will not engage in any conduct that would reflect poorly on my morality or that of my professions (Coaching and Breathwork)
I will not profess to cure any conditions presented by my clients.
I will never take advantage of or enter into a sexual relationship with a client.
I will keep my client’s affairs and personal information confidential. All personal information is kept safe and secure. I will be transparent about what I share with my supervisor while always keeping the clients identity anonymous
I will not gain personal advantage from any client relationship. If a conflict of interest arises and is unable to be managed effectively, I will withdraw from the coaching relationship
I will pay proper attention to attributing others' work to the originator(s) and not claim it as my own.
I accept that any client referred to me by a GP remains the responsibility of that GP, so agree to keep the GP or other relevant agencies informed of their patient’s progress.
I will never advise clients to discontinue any treatment prescribed by a GP or any other Registered Medical Practitioner.
I will at all times respect the integrity of other health care professionals that are also involved with any client
I will engage in regular supervision with a qualified supervisor/peer at an appropriate level of frequency and raise potential or actual ethical concerns in supervision.
I will not claim to have qualifications or credentials I have not earned
I will maintain and grow my coaching and breathwork competence through regular, ongoing CPD (continued professional development) and critically evaluate my own quality of work through feedback from relevant parties.
I will respect diversity and avoid all inadvertent discrimination
I will be transparent and cooperative with any complaints procedure. Find complaints procedure HERE
I will not become a member of any organisation that has been found to be dangerous or fraudulent and may cause detriment to my career or to the client
I declare that I am not suffering any mental health issues that I have not declared. If I develop any mental health issues I will not see any clients.
I accept the authority of the Disciplinary Committee of ACCPH regarding any breach of the above Code of Conduct and Ethics. I understand that the Disciplinary Committee can suspend or terminate my membership for infringement of the above Code.
I, Steven J Todd as head coach and breathwork facilitator of The Reset solemnly swear to abide by this Code of Conduct and Ethics.